Regenerative Healthcare Podcast

We know what has to happen (making regenerative food accessible for all!) - but the question is HOW to make it happen? Let’s find out by listening to pioners from all around the world.

Regenerative Healthcare Definition

“A system where agriculture and healthcare work together for a prevention-based approach to human and environmental health. Rather than relying on toxic chemicals to solve agricultural issues and pharmaceutical interventions to manage the disease, regenerative healthcare aims to prevent disease through organic, whole foods, a plant-forward diet that begins on farms that work in harmony with nature.” - Rodale Institute

Latest Episodes

Teaching Kitchen with Benjamin Filippo (USA)
Zuzanna Zielinska Zuzanna Zielinska

Teaching Kitchen with Benjamin Filippo (USA)

Explore how to bring culinary medicine into the conventional healthcare system. Teaching Kitchens offer not only healing for the patient, but also new demand for regenerative organic produce,

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