Citizen Regenerative Healthcare Workshops
What does health mean to us - as citizens, consumers, and patinets? How can we use the power of healthy food not only to healht our bodies and communities but also to address climate change? We have explored those and many more pressuring questions during Regenerative Festiwal created by Regeneratie Coöperatie.
Engage citizens for a healthy society
We all want to be healthy, but it is not always easy in cities filled with pollution, fast food on every corner, and a fast-paced lifestyle. More than 80% of Europeans will suffer from chronic disease (WHO). What can we do to prevent the growing epidemic?
Healthy food and eating habits are essential to restoring and maintaining our health. Food should be used as a medical prescription to both prevent and cure cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other chronic disease. But how can we do it without putting all of the burden on individuals? How can we create systemic solutions that will transform our healthcare system towards a more preventive and climate-neutral sector? We have asked the citizens of Amsterdam to co-create solutions with us.
Models of change
During the workshop, we presented the participants with the newest science on how farming practices affect nutrient density (the amount of beneficial compounds in 100 g of fresh produce). We have spoken about food groups included in the regenerative menu. We asked participants to create a plan on how they would implement the following regenerative healthcare models in their local environment:
Food Pharmacy
Farm-to-hospital model
Teaching Kitchen
Community Canteen
Medically Tailored diets.